What to expect when you book a photography session with me...

I want you to know that I shoot for moments.  I have photographed hundreds of families, couples, individuals and weddings.  Know what they all have in common?  Tiny moments in the midst of everything going on that are everything, and I'm always looking for them. It may be the way the light is playing or a sudden laugh.  It could be a spark between 2 souls or the flicker of a reflective moment.  For me, every session is a treasure hunt for those moments... I might be a tiny bit obsessed with finding them!!  So while I'm definitely gonna get those posed images with everyone looking at the camera and smiling I don't believe that those photos do you or your crew justice completely.  Looking for and capturing candid moments are what I'm there for, so rest assured I'm on the lookout for them in every session I shoot.  I have long loved this quote by Willa Cather and I think she says it better than I can. "What was any art but a mould in which to imprison for a moment the shining elusive element which is life itself - life hurrying past us and running away, too strong to stop, too sweet to lose."  Let's capture some life, shall we?

The Details...

I'll ask you if you have a location in mind where you want your session to take place.  If you have somewhere special, let me know!  If not, that's ok!  I've got plenty of location ideas to run by you.  I'm going to suggest an evening session.  First, because you can't beat evening light, and also evenings just tend to work the best for everyone schedule wise.  However, if an evening is just not in the cards we'll figure it out, so not to worry!  We'll be on location for at least an hour to 1.5 hrs and I'll be delivering somewhere between 75-100 images to you 2-3 weeks after your session.  That about covers it, so let's chat!  I can't wait to capture some moments for you!!


Side note: I offer many products to choose from to help display your memories, including quality photo albums, prints and canvases.  I want you to have a beautiful, displayable piece of art when everything is said and done, so let's work together to make sure you have a final piece you love!