Lately I've been feeling this little niggle in my gut about the speed at which time is flying past me. There are a few reasons for this in my own life, and honestly some of them are pretty big and kinda weighty. But the heaviness aside, I think we're all trying to slow down time to some degree. One of the best and most surefire ways to do this? Photos. Yep. It's cliche and also true. Aside from our memories (which can be funny squirrly little things) photos are what we've got.
That said, I was very happy to freeze time for this wonderful family. Photos of the ones we love more than anything are worth a lot. A whole lot.
Senior sessions are in full swing over here, and I love it! This beauty has an extra special place in my heart, so it was double fun to catch some light with her. Congratulations Eliana!! Hope you have a fantastic senior year!
Do I sound like a broken record? Always droning on and on about glorious evening light? Yes. Yes I do. Will I stop pontificating about evening light any time soon? No. No I will not.
Do you consider the photos you have of your family a small treasure? I do. I'm not going to tell you that I've done an amazing job over the years of consistently getting great family photos every year, we're more of a every few years kind of crew (mostly cause we burnt our kids out on having their photos taken when they were little!). But I can tell you that I absolutely treasure every single photo of all of us together down through the years. They are gifts, flat out. The fact that I have the privilege of providing a few photos like this to others is something I consider a gift in my life. It's my joy to capture a few moments in the life of a family.
This is one of those families that was just a joy to capture!
Is there anything better than a horse, a girl and evening summer light? Not really! This session was preceded by some crazy rain and very dark skies. We came within inches of calling the whole thing off! But in the end we stuck to the plan and that was 100% the right move. Check out some of these images...